Displaying 1851 - 1875 of 4100
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First Name | Last Name | ||
Leslie | King | leslie.king@royalroads.ca | Organization: Royal Roads University Department: Environment and Sustainabiity Title: Professor Specialties: environmental sciences, global change, economic policy Current Research: First Nations resource management.Long-term cumulative environmental impacts.Institutional dynamics in global environmental management.Airshed planning and management.Arctic contaminants. |
Roger | King | king@uwo.ca | Organization: University of Western Ontario Department: Department of Geography Title: Professor Emeritus Specialties: environmental sciences, paleolimnology, periglacial environment Current Research: Paleolimnology of arctic lakes and ponds.Arctic soil development.Environmental change.Soil mapping using remote sensed imagery.Arctic science policy. |
Michael | King | michael.d.king@nasa.gov | Organization: U.S. National Aeronautics and Space Administration Department: Earth Sciences Directorate (GSFC) Title: Senior Research Scientist Specialties: radiation remote sensing, atmospheric sciences Current Research: Remote sensing of clouds from snow in polar regions.Surface bidirectional reflectance of snow, sea ice, and tundra surfaces.Determination of the spectral absorption of solar radiation in arctic stratus clouds. |
G. Larry | King | ffglk@uaf.edu | Organization: University of Alaska Fairbanks Department: Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering Specialties: survey research |
Jennifer | King | jyking@geog.ucsb.edu | Organization: University of California, Santa Barbara Department: Department of Geography Title: Professor Specialties: biogeochemistry, greenhouse gases, soil processes, terrestrial ecosystems Current Research: Photodegradation, ecosystem carbon cycling, biotic and abiotic processes. |
Maureen | King | maureen.king@dri.edu | Organization: Desert Research Institute Department: Quaternary Sciences Center Title: Associate Research Scientist Specialties: archaeology Current Research: Upper Kolyma Region, Northeastern Siberia. Terminal Pleistocene and early Holocene prehistory of western Beringia. |
Tony | King | tony.king@c-core.ca | Organization: C-CORE Centre for Arctic Research Development Department: Ice/Geotechnical Group - C-CORE Title: Director, Ice Engineering Specialties: ice engineering, modeling Current Research: Geological engineering.Iceberg risk modeling.Pipeline routing.Iceberg scour.Dynamic properties of soils (i.e., shear-wave velocity). |
Christophe | Kinnard | christophe.kinnard@uqtr.ca | Organization: Université du Québec à Trois-Rivières Department: Environmental Sciences Title: Professor Specialties: hydrology and glaciology |
Thomas | Kinney | tck@shanwil.com | Specialties: highway engineering, permafrost engineering, frozen soil compaction Current Research: Using geogrids as base course stabilization.Highway drainage studies.Effect of tire pressures on pavements.Stabilization of house foundations on permafrost terrain: triodctic foundations, helical anchor foundations, thermal stabilization techniques |
George | Kipphut | gkipphut@murraystate.edu | Organization: Murray State University Department: Geosciences Title: Professor Emeritus Specialties: biogeochemistry, limnology, CO2 chemistry Current Research: Arctic LTER project at Toolik Lake. |
David | Kirchman | kirchman@udel.edu | Organization: University of Delaware Department: School of Marine Science and Policy Title: Maxwell P. and Mildred H. Harrington Professor Specialties: marine microbiology, biogeochemistry, biological oceanography Current Research: Control of bacterial biomass and growth; prokaryotic community structure; role of archaea vs bacteria; DOC fluxes. Shelf-Basin Interaction (SBI) program |
Nina | Kiseleva | biocenol@glas.apc.org | Organization: Earth Cryosphere Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences Siberian Branch Department: Historical Ecology Department - Institute of Ecology and Evolution Specialties: paleogeography, soil science, quaternary stratigraphy Current Research: History of near-sea ecosystems of Chukotka, Alaska, Aleutian Islands |
Hiromitsu | Kitagawa | kitasanh@jasmine.ocn.ne.jp | Organization: Ocean Policy Research Institute Department: Marine Title: Senior Research Fellow Specialties: ice engineering, snow engineering, hydrology Current Research: Sustainable development of Arctic |
Knut | Kitching | knut.kitching@firelight.ca | Title: Research Coordinator Specialties: Indigenous harvesting, Inuit land use, subsistence Current Research: Climate change vulnerability, impacts and adaptation. Understanding the impacts of multifaceted and multi-scale changes on Inuit and northern Canadian Indigenous communities. Focused on changes to patterns of harvesting in light of socio-cultural and economic changes, climate change and altered patterns of knowledge transmission. |
Eino | Kiukaanniemi | eino.kiukaanniemi@oulu.fi | Organization: University of Oulu Department: Thule Institute Title: Researcher Current Research: Renewable energy resources (biomass based). |
Alexander | Kizyakov | kizyakov@mtu-net.ru | Organization: Lomonosov Moscow State University Department: Earth Cryosphere Institute Specialties: geomorphology, geography, environmental geology Current Research: surface and coastal dynamic (ACD), active layer dynamics (CALM) in permafrost regions |
Andrew | Klaas | aklaas@awi-koldewey.no | Organization: Alfred Wegener Institute, Helmholtz Centre for Polar and Marine Research Department: Koldewey Station Title: Station Manager and Meteorologist Specialties: atmospheric sciences, climate change, paleoclimatology |
Michael | Klages | michael.klages@gu.se | Organization: University of Gothenburg Department: Deep Sea Research Project Group Title: Researcher Specialties: benthic ecology, crustacean biology Current Research: Deep sea research in the Fram Strait at a long-term deep sea station (2500 m). Use of ROV. Causes and effects of physico-chemical gradients at the seafloor and their relevance for biodiversity in deep sea sediments. |
Kari | Klanderud | kari.klanderud@nmbu.no | Organization: Norwegian University of Life Sciences Department: Department of Biology and Nature Conservation Title: Professor Specialties: botany, ecology Current Research: The effect of Dryas octopetala on species diversity along natural environmental gradients on Svalbard and Finse (alpine south-Norway) |
Calvin | Klatt | calvin.klatt@canada.ca | Organization: Natural Resources Canada Department: Canadian Geodetic Survey Title: Director and Chief Geodesist, Canadian Geodetic Survey Specialties: geodesy, geodynamics, geophysics |
Steve | Klein | steve_klein@fws.gov | Organization: U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Department: Office of Subsistence Management Title: Division Chief Specialties: fisheries management, anthropology Current Research: Fisheries monitoring, including stock status and trends, harvestmonitoring, traditional ecological knowledge |
Judith | Kleinfeld | jskleinfeld@alaska.edu | Organization: University of Alaska Fairbanks Department: Northern Studies Program Title: Professor Emerita Specialties: human adaptation, education, human behavior Current Research: Fetal Alcohol Syndrome: Methods of Educating Children with FAS/FAE.Education in small, remote schools.Adult development in northern settings. |
Karen | Kleinspehn | klein004@umn.edu | Organization: University of Minnesota Department: Department of Earth Sciences Specialties: geology, tectonics and sedimentary basin analysis, sedimentology, geodynamics, structural geology Current Research: Oblique rifting in Svalbard and the Late Eocene-Oligocene demise of Laurasia with inception of Molloy Ridge |
Simon | Klemperer | sklemp@stanford.edu | Organization: Stanford University Department: Department of Geophysics Title: Professor Specialties: geophysics, geographic information systems, marine geophysics Current Research: Crustal-scale tectonics, geology and geophysics of the Beringian and Chukchi shelves, utilizing new deep seismic reflection data that form two complete transects from the Pacific Ocean to the Arctic Ocean.GIS compilation of relevant geological and geophysical data of the Beringian and Chukchi shelves and adjacent land areas (Alaska, Chukotka) to aid in these interpretations. |
Martin | Klenke | mklenke@awi.de | Organization: Alfred Wegener Institute, Helmholtz Centre for Polar and Marine Research Department: Department of Geodesy/Bathymetry Specialties: bathymetry, geographic information systems, remote sensing Current Research: Creation of a high-resolution digital elevation model and bathymetric chart of the Fram Strait using Seabeam and Hydrosweep data from R/V Polarstern cruises between 1984 and 1999. |