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First Name Last Name Email
Jostein Bakke jostein.bakke@geog.uib.no

Organization: University of Bergen

Department: Department of Geography

Specialties: climate change, ocean-atmosphere interactions, glacial geomorphology

Current Research: Lake sediments. Northern Norway, Lyngen.

Alexander Baklanov alb@dmi.dk

Organization: World Meteorological Organization

Department: Meteorological Research Division

Specialties: air pollution modeling, environmental sciences, boundary-layer meteorology

Current Research: Study of the stably stratified atmospheric boundary layer and its effects on the environment pollution. Radiation and stable boundary layer within the bounds of the Summit Greenland Environment Observatory Programme. Atmospheric transport pathways and possible accidental consequences from nuclear risk sites for the European Arctic/Barents Euro-Arctic Region. Nuclear environment risk for northern Europe.

Olga Balalaeva awiget@nmsu.edu

Title: Independent Scholar

Specialties: folklore, religion/belief systems, Native communities

Current Research: Western Siberia, 1989-present. Ethnography and applied anthropology among the Eastern Khanty.

Andrey Balanov balanov@mail.primorye.ru

Organization: Institute of Marine Biology (Russian Academy of Sciences)

Department: Department of Ichthyology

Specialties: ichthyology, fish ecology

Current Research: Taxonomy, ecology and biology of the cottid and zoarcid fishes (fam. Cottidae and Zoarcidae), All Arctic region

Diane Baldwin diane_baldwin@gov.nt.ca

Organization: Government of the Northwest Territories

Department: NWT Geoscience Office

Title: Community Mineral Advisor

Specialties: geology, volcanology, education

Current Research: -Community mapping program -Outreach and education programs

Roger Bales rbales@ucmerced.edu

Organization: University of California, Merced

Department: Sierra Nevada Research Institute

Title: Professor

Specialties: snow chemistry, snow hydrology, atmospheric chemistry

Current Research: Ice cores, accumulation, and atmospheric chemistry in Greenland.

Jean Balestrery jbalestrery@gmail.com

Organization: Self

Department: Social Work & Anthropology

Title: Hampton Faculty Fellow

Specialties: health disparities, aging, clinical practice, service delivery systems, intercultural communication, global justice

Current Research: Multiple Projects

James Ballantyne jballant@uoguelph.ca

Organization: University of Guelph

Department: Department of Zoology

Title: Professor

Specialties: animal physiology, fish, invertebrate biology

Current Research: Biochemical adaptation to low temperatures. Membrane structure and function. Amino acid metabolism. Lipid movements through ecosystems. Adaptation of Arctic char to marine and freshwater. Metabolism of Arctic molluscs. Fish and Mollusc lipids.

Andrew Balser tutkiksuk@gmail.com

Organization: University of Alaska Fairbanks

Department: Alaska Research Office - Fairbanks

Title: Research Physical Scientist

Specialties: Permafrost / Remote Sensing / Ecosystems / Spatial Analysis / GIS / Surficial Processes / Geophysics / Cryostratigraphy / Vegetation

Current Research: Research interests include terrain suitability for permafrost degradation (including thermokarst) processes, regional-scale changes in permafrost- related ecological processes and land cover, and linking permafrost cryostructure and ground ice distribution with surficial geology, geomorphology, and vegetation. Impacts to ecology and infrastructure are considered. These topics are examined using spatial analysis, typically scaling results from local to regional scales using remote sensing, GIS, and spatial statistics.

Jonathan Bamber j.bamber@bristol.ac.uk

Organization: University of Bristol

Department: School of Geographical Sciences

Title: Professor

Specialties: glaciology, geophysics, remote sensing

Current Research: The present-day and future behavior of the Greenland ice sheet and smaller Arctic ice caps and glaciers. The impact of Greenland freshwater fluxes on ocean circulation and coastal currents.

E. Bamber wabamber@nrcan.gc.ca

Organization: Natural Resources Canada

Department: Department of Paleontology Subdivision - Geological Survey of Canada

Title: Emeritus Scientist

Specialties: geology, paleontology

Current Research: Carboniferous and Permian corals and biostratigraphy.

Douglas Bancroft douglas.bancroft@nrcan-rncan.gc.ca

Organization: Canadian Scientific Submersible Facility

Department: Environment Canada

Title: President & CEO

Specialties: climatology, oceanography, ice modeling

Current Research: Icebergs National Coordination of DFO Arctic Science Programs

Sukumar Bandopadhyay sbandopadhyay@alaska.edu

Organization: University of Alaska Fairbanks

Department: Department of Mining and Geological Engineering

Title: Professor of Mining Engineering, Emeritus

Specialties: mining, air pollution modeling, permafrost engineering

Current Research: Design of mine ventilation systems for underground mines in the Arctic. Arctic mining.

Boris Baranov baranov@chip.sio.rssi.ru

Organization: Earth Cryosphere Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences Siberian Branch

Department: Shirshov Institute of Oceanology

Title: Ph.D., Head of Laboratory of Paleogeodynamics

Specialties: marine geology, marine geophysics, geodynamics

Current Research: Okhotsk Sea, Bering Sea (Komandorsky Basin), Northern Atlantic (Knipovich Ridge). Mechanisms of the complex climate-controlling system “Okhotsk Sea” and its influence on chemical distribution, chemical cycles, water mass formation, circulation, and climate. Strata formation on Russian arctic continental margins (2001-2003). The creation of the preserved stratigraphic record, the bedform formation, and modification on Russian Arctic Continental shelves as the product of geologic, biologic, cryologic, and oceanographic processes with both spatial and temporal heterogeneities.

Lucette Barber lucette.barber@umanitoba.ca

Organization: University of Manitoba

Department: CEOS

Title: Manager - Communications and Outreach

Specialties: communications, education

Perry Barboza perry.barboza@agnet.tamu.edu

Organization: Texas A&M University, College Station

Department: Department of Wildlife & Fisheries

Title: Professor

Specialties: nutrition, nutritional ecology, comparative physiology

Current Research: Mineral nutrition of caribou, reindeer, and muskox.

Joerg Bareiss bareiss@uni-trier.de

Organization: University of Bayreuth

Department: Department of Geosciences/Climatology

Specialties: air-sea-ice interactions, sea ice remote sensing, hydrology

Current Research: Investigating interactions between hydrological cycle (terrestrial and atmospheric water balance) over the northern Siberian coastal regions and sea-ice processes in the Laptev and East Siberian seas. Investigating the atmospheric forcing of sea ice in the Laptev Sea from the high-resolution regional atmospheric climate model - HIRHAM. Determination of temporal and spatial sea-ice variability from passive microwave data for the Eurasian shelf seas.

Rene Barendregt barendregt@uleth.ca

Organization: University of Lethbridge

Department: Department of Geography

Title: Professor

Specialties: paleomagnetism, climate change, quaternary stratigraphy

Current Research: Collection and comparison of paleomagnetic, biolithostratigraphic, and isotopic data in the reconstruction of late Cenozoic paleoclimates. Banks Island, Ellesmere Island, Meighen Island, Yukon, Alaska. Magnetostratigraphy and proxy records of large-scale climate variability. Magnetostratigraphy of gold-bearing gravels (reconstruction of river terrace chronosequences, flow directions, and provenance). Pole-to-pole secular variation study of the earth’s magnetic field during the past 5.0 Ma. Loess/paleosol/tephra magnetostratigraphy of the Yukon Territory and Alaska.

Konstantin Barinov barinov@geo.tv-sign.ru

Organization: Earth Cryosphere Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences Siberian Branch

Department: Geological Institute

Title: Paleontologist

Specialties: paleontology, stratigraphy, biogeography

Current Research: Studying the taxonomy and biogeography of Cenozoic marine mollusks of Beringian province. Participation in project: Documenting the age of the first opening of the Bering Strait.

Adele Barker adeleb@u.arizona.edu

Organization: University of Arizona

Department: Comparative Cultural and Literary Studies

Title: Professor

Specialties: circumpolar cultures, Native studies

Current Research: Contemporary literature and folklore of the northern Pacific Rim peoples of Russia.

Charles Barker barker@usgs.gov

Organization: U.S. Geological Survey

Department: Denver Federal Center

Title: Senior Research Geologist

Specialties: geochemistry, geothermal resources, geology

Current Research: Basin modeling - thermal history and petroleum generation. Coal bed methane resources, North Slope, Alaska. Coal bed methane as a locally produced energy source for Antarctic research stations.

Lisa Barlow lisa.barlow@colorado.edu

Organization: University of Colorado Boulder

Department: Institute of Arctic and Alpine Research (INSTAAR)

Title: Senior Instructor

Specialties: stable isotopes, climate change

Current Research: GISP2 ice core: last 1000 years. Multidisciplinary approach to synoptic paleoclimatology.

Christopher Barnes crbarnes@uvic.ca

Organization: University of Victoria

Department: NEPTUNE Canada

Title: Professor Emeritus

Specialties: geology, paleontology, stratigraphy

Current Research: Lower Paleozoic stratigraphy and conodont micropaleontology of Canadian Arctic Islands.

Peter Barnes pbarnes@usgs.gov

Organization: U.S. Geological Survey

Department: Coastal and Marine Geology Program

Specialties: marine geology, sea ice, glacimarine processes

Current Research: Geologic mapping of Alaskan fisheries habitats. Role of sea and lake ice in coastal erosion. Transportation of sediment by sea ice in Arctic Ocean.

Brian Barnes bmbarnes@alaska.edu

Organization: University of Alaska Fairbanks

Department: Institute of Arctic Biology

Title: Director and Professor of Zoophysiology

Specialties: physiological ecology, zoology, endocrinology

Current Research: Molecular biology and genetics of hibernation in mammals. Overwintering strategies of arctic animals.