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First Name | Last Name | ||
Rob | Brooker | rob.brooker@hutton.ac.uk | Organization: The James Hutton Institute Department: Banchory Research Station Title: Research Scientist Specialties: plant ecology |
David | Brooks | dbrooks@ocean.tamu.edu | Organization: Texas A&M University, College Station Department: College of Geosciences Title: Senior Professor Specialties: physical oceanography, modeling Current Research: Circulation modeling of the Kara Sea. |
Marjorie | Brooks | mlbrooks@siu.edu | Organization: Southern Illinois University Department: Department of Fishery and Wildlife Biology Title: Associate Professor Specialties: aquatic chemistry, aquatic biology Current Research: I am interested in how natural processes such as photolysis and microbial respiration affect the spectral and chemical properties of dissolved organic matter (DOM). In the past, I have looked at the influence of sea ice on DOM concentration in the Bering Sea. Currently, I am studying how photodegradation of and seasonal changes in the source of DOM affect its ability to bind metals across 21 monitoring sites in high altitude streams. |
James | Brooks | jimbrooks@tdi-bi.com | Organization: TDI-Brooks International Inc. Title: President and CEO Specialties: ocean geochemistry, environmental chemistry, environmental assessment Current Research: Russian environmental contamination in marginal seas.Environmental chemistry and assessment. |
Marjorie | Brooks | mlbrooks@cnr.colostate.edu | Organization: Southern Illinois University Department: Department of Fishery and Wildlife Biology Title: Associate Professor Specialties: aquatic chemistry, aquatic biology Current Research: I am interested in how natural processes such as photolysis and microbial respiration affect the spectral and chemical properties of dissolved organic matter (DOM). In the past, I have looked at the influence of sea ice on DOM concentration in the Bering Sea. Currently, I am studying how photodegradation of and seasonal changes in the source of DOM affect its ability to bind metals across 21 monitoring sites in high altitude streams. |
Jeffrey | Brooks | jeffrey.brooks@boem.gov | Organization: Bureau of Ocean Energy Management Department: Environmental Assessment Title: Sociocultural Specialist Specialties: collaboration, cross-cultural communication, subsistence, traditional knowledge, outdoor recreation, sense of place Current Research: J. Kendall, C. Campbell, J. Brooks, K. Wedemeyer, C. Coon, S. Warren, G. Auad, D. Thurston, R. Cluck, F. Mann, S. Randall, M. Storzer, D. Johnston, D. Meyer-Pietruszka, and M. Haller. (in review). The use of traditional knowledge by the United States Bureau of Ocean Energy Management to support resource management decisions. Czech Polar Reports. |
Steven | Brooks | sbrooks@utsi.edu | Organization: University of Tennessee Space Institute Department: Atmospheric Turbulence and Diffusion Division Specialties: boundary-layer meteorology, global change Current Research: NSF Land-Atmosphere-Ice Interaction study member. Carbon dioxide, water, and energy flux measurements of arctic tundra with tower and aircraft based systems. |
C. Kent | Brooks | kentb@geol.ku.dk | Organization: University of Copenhagen Department: Danish Lithosphere Centre Title: Associate Professor Emeritus Specialties: igneous petrology, nonrenewable resources, plate tectonics Current Research: Geology of the East Greenland continental margin and the Icelandic mantle plume.Volcanology. |
Margaret | Brooks-Terry | mbrooks@bw.edu | Organization: Baldwin Wallace University Department: Department of Sociology Title: Professor Emeritus Specialties: sociology, Native studies Current Research: Creation and impact of Nunavut.Social change among the Inuit over the past 50 years. |
Elisabeth | Brouwers | brouwers@usgs.gov | Organization: U.S. Geological Survey Department: Bureau Approving Official - Central Region Geology Title: Scientist Emeritus Specialties: micropaleontology, paleoecology, paleogeography Current Research: Alaskan North Slope (Cretaceous-Holocene) Beaufort Sea-Chukshi Sea continental shelf. |
Charles | Brower | cbrower@co.north-slope.ak.us | Organization: Alaska North Slope Borough Department: Department of Wildlife Management Title: Director Specialties: wildlife management, subsistence, Native issues Current Research: Documenting subsistence harvest of wildlife. |
Evelyn | Brown | evelynb@lummi-nsn.gov | Organization: Lummi Nation Natural Resources Title: Fisheries Analyst Specialties: marine ecology, remote sensing, fish Current Research: Marine ecology-specifically forage fish, predators and prey, and survey design. Methods include near- and far-field remote sensing using aircraft and satellites respectively with appropriately scaled ground validation data. Instrument package includes: spectographic imagers, lidar (or laser ranging devices), visual surveys, anddigital video. In the past 10 years, have been working with largemulti-disciplinary research groups. Background is in fisheries biology and aquaculture although have worked extensively on oil spill effects on fish as a Principal Investigator following the Exxon Valdez Oil Spill. |
Rex | Brown | rbrown@gmu.edu | Organization: George Mason University Department: Institute of Public Policy Title: Affiliate Professor and a Distinguished Senior Fellow Specialties: environmental policy, public policy, socio-economic impact assessment Current Research: Logical framework for regulating natural resource development. |
Thomas | Brown | tabrown@llnl.gov | Organization: Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory Department: Center for Accelerator Mass Spectrometry Title: Affiliate Assistant Professor, Research Physicist Specialties: radiocarbon dating, geochronology, paleoclimatology Current Research: Development of techniques for the extraction and AMS 14C dating of pollen from lake sediments and peats. |
Robert | Brown | rabrown@atmos.washington.edu | Organization: University of Washington Department: Department of Atmospheric Sciences Title: Professor Emeritus Specialties: air-sea-ice interactions, atmospheric physics, climate modeling; global climate change Current Research: Satellite microwave remote sensing. |
Jerry | Brown | jerrybrown@igc.org | Organization: U.S. Permafrost Association Title: retired Specialties: permafrost, soil science, ecology Current Research: Retired. maintain involvement in national and international permafrost activities |
Annette | Browne | annette.browne@ubc.ca | Organization: University of Northern British Columbia Department: Nursing Program - College of Arts, Social, and Health Sciences Title: Assistant Professor Specialties: health care, Native issues Current Research: Research done in partnership with First Nations communities in northern British Columbia and addresses strategies for improving access to and delivery of mainstream health services for aboriginal women. |
James | Brozowski | broz0017@umn.edu | Organization: University of Minnesota Department: Water Resources Sciences Title: Researcher Specialties: geography, freshwater fish Current Research: Mercury contamination of arctic charr (Salvelinus alpinus) from the Belcher Islands, N.W.T. Canada. |
Michael | Brubaker | mbrubaker@anthc.org | Organization: Alaska Native Tribal Health Consortium Department: Community Environment and Health Title: Director, Community Environment and Health Specialties: Community Environmental Health, Climate Change, Health Impact Assessment, Community Based Participatory Research Current Research: Climate Change Impacts on Rural Alaska Communities, Development and implementation of Local Environmental Observer Networks |
Linda | Brubaker | lbru@uw.edu | Organization: University of Washington Department: College of Forest Resources Title: Professor Emerita Specialties: palynology, paleoecology, ecology Current Research: Vegetation and climate history of Alaska and northeastern Siberia. |
Michael | Bruce | zwa8@cdc.gov | Organization: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Department: National Center for Infectious Diseases Title: Physician & Epidemiologist, Arctic Investigations Program Specialties: medical sciences, epidemiology Current Research: H pylorimeningococcal diseaseinvasive respiratory illness cause by Haemophilus influenzae and Streptococcus pneumoniaeinfluenzahuman papilloma virus infection and cervical cancerInternational Circumpolar Surveillancesanitation studiesdental disease in Alaska |
Jim | Bruce | jbruce@ifn-engineering.com | Organization: IFN Engineering Ltd Title: President Specialties: ice/structure interaction, sea ice modeling, engineering Current Research: Involved in a Joint Industry Project monitoring ice forces on Confederation Bridge in Canada. Provides project participants with a database of ice loads along with detailed analysis of failure modes and interaction types. |
Michael | Bruno | mbruno2@hawaii.edu | Organization: University of Hawaii at Manoa Department: Center for Maritime Systems Title: Vice Chancellor for Research Specialties: sea ice dynamics, coastal engineering, ocean engineering Current Research: Ice-ocean interaction.Quantification of ice-water drag coefficients.Numerical modeling of coupled ice-water motion.Internal wave generation by sea ice |
Kelly | Brunt | kbrunt@nsf.gov | Organization: U.S. National Science Foundation Department: Goddard Space Flight Center Title: Program Director, Arctic System Sciences Specialties: Ice Shelves and Laser Altimetry Current Research: Her most recent projects use ICESat data to examine the character of the grounding zones of Antarctic ice shelves. At ESSIC and NASA, Dr. Brunt will be providing ice-sheet analysis for the ICESat-2 mission. |
Wayne | Bryant | becl@internorth.com | Organization: Bryant Environmental Consultants Ltd Title: President Specialties: chemical engineering, environmental engineering, environmental assessment Current Research: Mercury contamination monitoring of the Giaque Lake watershed in western arctic from abandoned gold mining.Heavy metal contaminants in berries and lichens in the north slave region of the Northwest Territories.Remediation options for heavily contaminated arsenic soils. |