PolarTREC Expeditions in the Arctic!
PolarTREC has five teachers in the field in July and August. Please join us in following their expeditions. Teachers will be working on Migration and Carry-Over Effects in Arctic Seabirds, Shrubs, Snow and Nitrogen in the Arctic, Permafrost and Community, Sliding Glaciers and Winter Respiration in the Arctic. Also, please join us for upcoming PolarConnect Events with each of these teachers.
Rising Oceans Guaranteed: Arctic Land Ice Loss and Sea Level Rise
A new journal article authored by members of SEARCH's Land Ice Action Team reviews sea level contributions from land ice across the Arctic.
Advancing Predictability of Sea Ice – SIPN2 Webinar Registration
Registration is now available for the SIPN2 webinar, Advancing Predictability of Sea Ice. This webinar will provide an overview of the SIPN2 main activities and an overview of the SIPN Data Portal for sea ice prediction. The event will held at 9:00am to 10:00am (AKDT) on Tuesday, 10 July 2018.
Witness Community Highlights
The June 2018 issue of Witness Community Highlights is now available online. This issue highlights results from a recent program that focused on the sea state and boundary layer physics of the emerging Arctic, defined by less sea ice and larger expanses of open water in summer. The program was motivated by the observed increase in surface wave activity that has been coincident with the seasonal reduction in sea ice.
2018 June Sea Ice Outlook Report Available
The June report for the 2018 Sea Ice Outlook (SIO) is now available online. The goal of the SIO is to improve Arctic sea ice prediction on seasonal time-scales. For June, we received 34 contributions that include pan-Arctic predictions, of those contributions 10 also included pan-Antarctic predictions and 11 included predictions for Alaskan waters. We received one additional contribution with a regional focus on the Nares Strait. For the Arctic, the median June Outlook value for a September 2018 sea ice extent projection is 4.6 million square kilometers. The June report includes analysis of the contributions, predicted spatial fields with discussion on sea ice probability (SIP) and the first ice-free day (IFD) from a number of dynamical models; a section on current conditions with discussion on this winter's record low sea ice conditions and atmospheric conditions; a section discussion regional ice conditions; and a section discussing Antarctic sea ice extent forecasts.
ARCUS on Emerald Planet
Dr. Robert Rich, Executive Director of ARCUS, ARCUS Board Member Kaare Erickson from Utqiaġvik, Alaska and PolarTREC teacher Deanna Wheeler from JC Parks Elementary School are guests on the weekly program Emerald Planet. Dr. Rich (0:01-0:13), Deanna (0:30-0:43) and Kaare (0:46-0:58) are interviewed as leaders who work with researchers, indigenous communities, and stakeholders in the Arctic, as well as educating today’s youth and future leaders about the Arctic, and how what we do on a daily basis can make a difference.
In 2019, SEARCH and partners will convene Arctic scientists from all disciplines, indigenous knowledge holders, and decision makers to share current understanding and identify future directions for research needed to inform Arctic policy. The conference also is intended to foster more effective and iterative collaborations among Arctic scientists and decision makers.
DATES: 4-6 September 2019
VENUE: National Academy of Sciences,
2101 Constitution Avenue, NW
Washington, DC
Watch for updates at https://www.searcharcticscience.org/arctic-2050
For more information, contact:
Brendan P. Kelly
Executive Director
Study of Environmental Arctic Change
bpkelly [at] alaska.edu
Staff and Board members from the Arctic Research Consortium of the United States (ARCUS) look forward to meeting with members of the Arctic research community at POLAR2018, a joint event hosted by the Scientific Committee on Antarctic Research (SCAR) and International Arctic Science Committee (IASC) at the Congress Centre in Davos, Switzerland. Our representatives plan to attend IASC/ASSW Business & Satellite Meetings as well as the SCAR/IASC Open Science Conference (OSC) between 15—23 June 2018. We invite you to seek us out during proceedings or at the following scheduled events.
PolarTREC Live Event from Toolik Field Station, Alaska
Join us for a LIVE event from Toolik Field Station, Alaska where we'll be learning all about the Arctic! The event will be held on June 20, 2018 starting at 9:00 AM Alaska Daylight Time. This event will feature PolarTREC teacher Melissa Lau and researchers, Dr. Steve Oberbauer and Dr. Jeremy May. The team will be sharing what it's like to be working in the Arctic as well their research as part of the Arctic Observing Network (AON). They are researching the relationships between vegetation change, plant phenology, and ecosystem function in a warming Arctic. More information about their research as well as journals and photos can be found on their expedition page.
Witness Community Highlights
The May 2018 issue of Witness Community Highlights is now available online. This issue highlights the efforts of the CICE Consortium. The consortium aims to incorporate and maintain scientific sea ice model development in CICE, also known as the Community Ice CodE, and accelerate its transfer into operational applications.
Call for Sea Ice Outlook Contributions
The Sea Ice Prediction Network–Phase 2 (SIPN2) announces the call for contributions for the 2018 Sea Ice Outlook June report (based on May data). The Sea Ice Outlook provides an open process for those interested in Arctic sea ice to share ideas. The monthly reports contain a variety of perspectives—from advanced numerical models to qualitative perspectives from citizen scientists. Submissions are due Monday, 11 June 2018.
Phase 2 of the Sea Ice Prediction Network (SIPN2)
The Sea Ice Prediction Network is now funded through a new collaborative proposal, "Advancing Predictability of Sea Ice: Phase 2 of the Sea Ice Prediction Network (SIPN2)". SIPN2 will result in a better quantification of the role of oceanic heat and climate variations in the Pacific sector of the Arctic; new observational-based sea-ice products; and activities to improve seasonal predictability of Arctic sea ice, the limits of this predictability, and the economic value of forecasts for stakeholders.
Arctic Indigenous Scholars Seminar Registration
A recording is now available of the Arctic Indigenous Scholars seminar featuring Theresa Arevgaq John of Nelson Island, Alaska. Nelson's presentation explored issues of cultural resiliency and adaptation in Arctic climate change.
Women’s Perspectives in Polar Research: Lunch Panel at POLAR2018
Registration is open for a panel discussion, “From Entering the Field to Taking the Helm, Perspectives of Women in Polar Research”, which will be held at the POLAR2018 Conference on Wednesday, 20 June 2018. This lunch panel discussion, with complimentary bag lunch, will explore the accomplishments, challenges, quality of work experiences, insights, recommendations, and prospects for women in polar research.
PolarTREC Live Event from Palmer Station, Antarctica
Join PolarTREC for our first live event of the 2018-2019 field season! Teacher Keith Smith and the team working on Chemical Ecology of Shallow Water Marine Communities will be broadcasting from Palmer Station, Antarctica on Tuesday, 29 May 2018 at 9:30am AKDT (10:30am PDT, 11:30am MDT, 12:30pm CDT, 1:30pm EDT). Register today for this free event!
Witness Community Highlights
The April 2018 issue of Witness Community Highlights is now available online. This issue highlights the work of the Fish CAFE Project, which brings multiple sciences to bear upon understanding freshwater habitats of the Fish Creek Watershed in northern Alaska. These efforts are part of an ongoing adaptive management process that is essential to sound decision making for resource management.
New Program Enables Scientists to Be Voices for Science
The American Geophysical Union has created a network of 30 individuals from diverse disciplines who will advocate for science in their congressional districts.
Arctic Research Seminar Recording
A recording is now available of the Arctic Research seminar/webinar featuring Elizabeth Arnold of the University of Alaska Anchorage & the Harvard Kennedy School. The talk focuses on Arnold’s own experience and current research of media coverage on the human impacts of climate change in the Arctic.
Anchorage Arctic Research Day
Organizers announce a call for registration for the 2018 Anchorage Arctic Research Day, which will be held in conjunction with the 2018 North by North Festival. Anchorage Arctic Research Day events are scheduled from 9:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. on Thursday, 26 April 2018 at the Anchorage Museum in Anchorage, Alaska.
This event, organized by the Arctic Research Consortium of the U.S., the University of Alaska Anchorage, the Anchorage Museum, and the Institute of the North; will bring together members of the Anchorage-area Arctic research community to share information and interests.
Arctic Research Seminar Recording
A recording is now available of the Arctic Research seminar/webinar featuring Dr. HONG Nong, Executive Director of the Institute for China-America Studies. Dr. Hong's presentation explores China's Arctic strategy and policy goals through the lens of a new white paper released by the State Council Information Office of China in January 2018.
Understanding the Arctic Through A Co-Production of Knowledge
SEARCH's Science Steering Committee member Raychelle Daniel will be co-hosting an ACCAP webinar on 11 April 2018 from 10-11am AKDT. The webinar will discuss a co-production of knowledge framework to help inform policies and to collaboratively identify research questions.
Witness Community Highlights
The March issue of Witness Community Highlights is now available online. This issue highlights the Arctic Data Center and their continued work to support curation and preservation of Arctic research data. The Center's data support team continues to build efficient data management and discovery tools as the outreach and training team develops new activities, including Data Science Fellowships and training events, throughout the coming year.
Call for SEARCH Science Steering Committee Member Nominations
The Study of Environmental Arctic Change (SEARCH) announces a call for nominations of new Science Steering Committee (SSC) members. SEARCH is a collaborative program of Arctic researchers, funding agencies, and others that facilitates synthesis of Arctic science and communicates our current understanding to help society respond to a rapidly changing Arctic.
The SSC is comprises 12 members, each serving a three-year term, with the option to a second term. SEARCH seeks nominations of candidates that are broad and cross disciplinary thinkers, are good communicators and consensus-builders, and have a strong commitment to the SEARCH vision. We welcome nominations from all disciplines and research backgrounds.
SSC members are expected to:
* Guide overall directions of SEARCH implementation;
* Promote and communicate SEARCH activities and plans;
* Provide guidance to the Executive Director, action teams, and working groups;
* Work with the Executive Director to establish strong partnerships;
* Approve annual SEARCH work plans and reports; and
* Be active participants in SSC meetings (4 or more/year) and working groups.
Self-nominations are welcome. Nominations should include:
- Name
- Affiliation
- Contact information
- Area of expertise
- Curriculum vitae
- A brief statement of why the person would be an asset to the SEARCH program
- Confirmation that the nominee would consent to serve
Nominations should be sent to Brit Myers, brit [at] arcus.org no later than 31 April 2018.
Nominations will be reviewed by June 2018. Invitations to join the SSC will go out to selected candidates prior to the committee’s next regular meeting scheduled to take place in September 2018.
Sea Ice for Walrus Outlook - 2018 Season Begins
The Sea Ice for Walrus Outlook (SIWO), which provides information on spring sea ice, weather and walrus for Alaska Native subsistence hunters and coastal communities in the Bering Strait region, will be published each Friday this spring while sea ice is present. Our record-early start is in response to very low ice conditions in the St. Lawrence Island area. SIWO is managed by ARCUS and produced with information from local hunters, the National Weather Service, and other sources. This week’s outlook includes the annual State of the Ice at Season’s Start. Follow us on Facebook.
Arctic Research Seminar Recording
A recording is now available of the Arctic Research seminar/webinar featuring Matthew Jull of the University of Virginia. The presentation highlights the work of the Arctic Design Group and foregrounds design in the act of framing and re-imagining the potential futures of the Arctic.