Displaying 3801 - 3810 of 4218
Event Dates
Ottawa, Canada

The next Workshop on the Dynamics and Mass Budget of Arctic Glaciers & the IASC Network on Arctic Glaciology Annual Meeting will be held from 3 - 5 February 2014 in Ottawa, Canada.

Information, application, and the program for the workshop will become available on the website of the Network on

Event Dates
Greenbelt, Maryland

The Science Coordination Office (SCO) for Summit and the Greenland Inland Traverse (GrIT) invites you to take part in the 2014 GEOSummit Workshop to be held following the NASA IceBridge and PARCA Planning Meetings at the Goddard Space Flight Center.

The All-day Workshop is scheduled for 31

Event Dates
Fairbanks, Alaska

Part of the "2014 Science for Alaska Series". Lectures will be held on Tuesdays at 7 p.m. at the Gold Room in the Westmark Fairbanks Hotel and Convention Center, with the exception of Feb. 18. That day the lecture will be the Westmark's Northern Latitudes room. Be sure to stay after the lecture and

Theme 4: "Network Relevance"

Event Dates
Online, 1:30-2:30 EST

The fourth thematic area of long-term observing management and governance to be addressed is one of network relevance. Questions in this webinar will target the relationship between different mission agencies and between agencies and communities when determining observing priorities. Additional

Event Dates
Anchorage, Alaska

The mission of the Alaska Marine Science Symposium is to bring together scientists, policymakers, students, educators, media and the public to share research findings focused on Alaska’s marine fisheries and ecosystems.Since 2002, scientists from Alaska, the Pacific Northwest, and beyond have come

Human in the Arctic

Event Dates
Tromso, Norway

Arctic Frontiers will hold its 8th annual conference in Tromsø, Norway, from 19-24 January 2014, with the title: Humans in the Arctic. The Arctic Frontiers conference is a central arena for discussions of Arctic issues. The conference brings together representatives from science, politics, and civil

Event Dates
Granby, Colorado

The NASA Snow Working Group for Remote Sensing (SWGR) has been holding a series of meetings to create a blueprint for future U.S. and International snow remote sensing research, and to create a community and forum for the exchange of ideas related to snow and remote sensing. In August we held a

Event Dates
Online, 10—11am AKST

For energy companies exploring the Alaskan Tundra, ice roads are often the only way to travel. But, building these roads is complex, often dangerous, and could have long term impacts on the environment. Under a grant from the U.S. Dept. of Energy, the NSDSS was developed by the UAF, Texas A&M

Event Dates
Danish meteorological Institute, Copenhagen, Denmark

We would like to announce the 2014 annual Danish Greenland ice sheet seminar to be held this year at the Danish meteorological Institute.

The purpose of the meeting is to encourage collaboration between Danish based researchers working on the Greenland ice sheet with a programme of research talks

Theme 3: "Review: Frequency, Criteria, Process"

Event Dates
Online, 1:30-2:30 EST

This webinar will introduce the third thematic area related to long-term observing management and governance -- the review process. Several aspects of review for long-term efforts will be discussed, including the frequency of review, observing-specific criteria, and best practices of the review