Displaying 2801 - 2810 of 4221

Celebrating a Successful U.S. Chairmanship

Event Dates
Fairbanks, Alaska

The Alaska Arctic Council Host Committee — in partnership with the University of Alaska Fairbanks, Anchorage Museum, and other community groups — is pleased to present the Week of the Arctic, with presentations, workshops, receptions and cultural celebrations highlighting key themes and

Event Dates
Fairbanks, Alaska

The Arctic Broadband Forum will bring together educators, researchers and industry from across the World to discuss the challenges, success and potential of telecommunications and broadband deployment in the Arctic.

Specific emphasis will be placed on the role of broadband and digital

Event Dates

The Interagency Arctic Research Policy Committee (IARPC) is initiating implementation of the Arctic Research Plan 2017-2021. SEARCH's Permafrost Action Team lead Christina Schädel (NAU), Andrew Balser (DOD), Benjamin Jones (USGS), will be leading the Permafrost Collaboration Team (PCT), and they are

Global Challenges for our Common Future: a paleoscience perspective

Event Dates
Morillo de Tou and Zaragoza, Spain

The Open Science Meeting (OSM) and the associated Young Scientists Meeting (YSM) are the premier scientific events of Past Global Changes (PAGES), a core project of Future Earth and a scientific partner of the World Climate Research Programme.

PAGES and the local organizing committee, Quaternary

Event Dates
Online: 10:00 - 11:00 am AKDT, 2:00 - 3:00 pm EDT

Register now to join a free webinar to recap the themes discussed at the Polar Research Board workshop Antarctic Sea Ice Variability in the Southern Ocean-Climate System, and explore new findings that have emerged since the workshop took place.

The workshop, which took place in January 2016

Why the Arctic Matters at All?

Event Dates
ARCUS D.C. Office: 1201 New York Avenue, NW Washington D.C. and online for event live-stream

The Arctic Research Consortium of the U.S. (ARCUS) is pleased to announce the next Arctic Research Seminar Series event featuring Robert
Corell, Principal of the Global Environmental Technology Foundation. The event will be held in the ARCUS D.C. office at 1201 New York Avenue, NW Washington D.C

Understanding Extreme Events and Decision-Maker Needs in the Context of Climate Variability and Change

Event Dates
Anchorage, Alaska

Organizers of the 15th Annual Climate Prediction Application Science Workshop (CPASW) announce a call for abstracts. The theme of this workshop is "Understanding Extreme Events and Decision-Maker Needs in the Context of Climate Variability and Change".

The 2017 CPASW will be hosted by the NOAA

Event Dates
Online: 11:00am-12:00pm AKDT, 3:00-4:00pm EDT

The Climate Change Education Partnership Alliance (CCEP) invites you to participate in its 2017 webinar series. This series will compliment the newly released Climate Change Education: Effective Practices for Working with Educators, Scientists, Decision Makers, and the Public guide.

Produced by

Event Dates
University of Colorado at Boulder

The International Glaciological Society will hold an International Symposium on ‘Polar Ice, Polar Climate, Polar Change’. The symposium will be held on the University of Colorado Boulder campus at the University Memorial Center and other campus venues on 14–19 August 2017.

The changes of the past

Event Dates

The University of the Arctic Thematic Network on Permafrost offers an International Permafrost Summer Field School in Fairbanks Alaska, July 31-­ August 12 2017. We welcome senior bachelor and graduate students, who are interested in obtaining an overall knowledge about permafrost.

The course