Displaying 2481 - 2490 of 4221
Event Dates

Organizers invite registration for the 2018 Arctic Summer Institute titled Arctic Law, Science, and Policy. This pass/fail, two credit or Certificate of Completion course will take place 18-22 June 2018 in Portland, Maine.

The goal of the course is to provide students with an interdisciplinary

Event Dates
Tvärminne Zoological Station, 120km southwest of Helsinki, Finland

This small symposium (40 participants) is intended to provide a unique opportunity to bring together molecular microbial ecologists specialized in different organism groups, share our latest results, and discuss methodological problems as well as the future prospects in the field, including

The Face of Climate Change in the Arctic: The National Media's Role in Public Disengagement

Event Dates
Online or at the ARCUS D.C. office at 1201 New York Avenue, NW Washington D.C. - 12:00-1:00 pm EDT

The ARCUS Arctic Research Seminar Series brings leading Arctic researchers to Washington, D.C. to share the latest findings and what they mean for decision-making. These seminars will be of interest to federal agency officials, congressional staff, non-governmental organizations, associations, and

Event Dates
Ladozhskoe Ozero, Russia

The 2nd SCAR Summer School on Polar Geodesy will be held at the Ladoga Base of the Arctic and Antarctic Research Institute (AARI), in Ladozhskoe Ozero, about 70 km east of St. Petersburg, Russia. The summer school provides a concise course on geodetic ground‐based and satellite methods focussed on

Event Dates
Montreal, Canada

We are pleased to invite you to the 5th Polar Prediction Workshop. The workshop will take place at the Agora Hydro-Quebec (https://goo.gl/QNBksJ).

As in previous editions, the workshop will focus on:

- Polar predictability from subseasonnal to interannual timescales
- Sea ice prediction

Event Dates
Canmore, Alberta, Canada

GEWEX, the Global Energy and Water Exchanges project, is holding its 8th GEWEX Science Conference from 6-11 May 2018 in Canmore, Alberta, Canada.

The 2018 GEWEX Science Conference is structured around the topic of challenges confronting our ability to understand and predict changes in climate

Event Dates
Rome, Italy

The International Conference on Geology & Earth Science creates a platform for experts interaction, simultaneously with networking opportunities and also provides an opportunity to explore the innovative ideas of the other communities, companies and associations.

Geoscience-2018 conference

Event Dates
Utrecht, the Netherlands

INQUA-PAGES Conference for Early-Career Researchers. 26-29 August 2018, Utrecht, the Netherlands.

This conference aims to facilitate scientific exchange between early-career researchers (ECRs) from a broad range of disciplines working with sea-level change. The conference will include two days of


Event Dates
University of Alaska Fairbanks or online: 10:00-11:00am AKDT

Breakup transforms an ice-covered river into an open river. Two ideal forms of breakup bracket the types of breakup that commonly occur. At one extreme is thermal breakup. During an ideal thermal breakup, the river ice cover deteriorates and melts in place, with no increase in flow and little or no

Health and Shared Prosperity in the North

Event Dates

The 2018 Arctic Science Conference of the American Association for the Advancement of Science will be held October 9th in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada. The meeting is being held in tandem with the Canadian Rural Revitalization Foundation (CRRF)’s annual meeting, which runs from October 10-12. The