Displaying 2211 - 2220 of 4221
Event Dates
University of Oklahoma, Norman, Oklahoma

The Polar Prediction Workshop will be held at the University of Oklahoma Cooperative Institute for Mesoscale Meteorological Studies (CIMMS), in Norman, Oklahoma. Deadline to register is March 15, 2019.

IARPC Public Webinar Series

Event Dates
Online: 3:00-5:00pm EDT (two separate webinars, 3:00pm and 4:00pm)

The Interagency Arctic Research Policy Committee (IARPC) announces the next two webinar in their Public Webinar Series. These webinars, NSF Program Manager Chats: Arctic System Science and Social Sciences, will take place Wednesday, 24 April 2019 at 3:00 p.m. EDT (Social Sciences) and 4:00 p.m. EDT

Event Dates
Sopot, Poland

“ECSD5 2019” is the fifth “European Conference on Scientific Diving” organised by the IO PAN Scientific Diving TEAM, in Sopot, first time in Poland. Conferences of this series were originally initiated by the European Scientific Diving Panel in 2015 by combining “The Research in Shallow Marine and

Speaking: Kyle Van Peursem, NOAA

Event Dates
Online: 11:00am AKDT, 3:00pm EDT

Snow avalanches are the most deadly natural hazard on National Forest land, killing around 25-30 people in the U.S. each year, with 3-4 of those fatalities occurring in Alaska. Avalanches also pose a serious threat to transportation infrastructure across the state, including vital highways and

Speaking: Crane Johnson, National Weather Service & Rick Thoman, ACCAP

Event Dates
Online: 10:00 AM AKDT

Each year the National Weather Service provides a breakup outlook for Alaska rivers. This winter stands out as unusual with both temperature and precipitation anomalies observed throughout the state. This year we are partnering with UAF to present a brief overview of current conditions and provide a

Presenter: Maureen I. McCarthy, PhD, Tahoe and Great Basin Program Director, Project Director, Water for the Seasons, University of Nevada-Reno

Event Dates
Online: 8:00-9:00am AKDT, 12:00-1:00pm EDT

Seminar 9 in the Series: From Science to Solutions: The State of the Carbon Cycle, the 2nd State of the Carbon Cycle Report (SOCCR2). We plan to host seminars in this series on most Tuesdays, Feb. 26 - May 28.

About the Speaker:

Maureen I. McCarthy, PhD, is Director, Tahoe & Great Basin

Speaking: David DeWitt and Wanqiu Wang, CPC

Event Dates
Online: 2:30pm AKDT, 6:30pm EDT

Dr Wang will present on subseasonal and seasonal sea ice prediction systems available from the Climate Prediction Center (CPC). Dr. DeWitt will then present on current CPC research that may be of interest to Alaska region. They will also lead a dialog regarding what Alaska Region views as products

Event Dates

The 13th International Symposium on Antarctic Earth Science (ISAES 2019) will be held at the Songdo Convensia in Incheon, Republic of Korea from July 22-26, 2019. The symposium aims to bring together Antarctic earth scientists from different areas in order to gather and highlight their outstanding

Event Dates
University of Alaska Anchorage

Organized by the graduate students within the English department, the Pacific Rim Conference on English Studies invites submissions in literature, rhetoric and composition, linguistics, anthropology, history, journalism, gender studies and other related fields.

The effects of colonialism

Speaking: Rick Thoman, Alaska Center for Climate Assessment & Policy (ACCAP)

Event Dates
University of Alaska Fairbanks, or online: 12:00pm AKDT, 4:00pm EDT

The tools and techniques for making monthly and season scale climate forecasts are rapidly changing, with the potential to provide useful forecasts at the month and longer range. We will review recent climate conditions around Alaska, review some forecast tools and finish up the Climate Prediction