Displaying 1681 - 1690 of 4221
Event Dates

Update: The 7th Annual Arctic Exchange will now take place in 15-17 November, 2022.


The exchange will look at securing a sustainable future for maritime commerce in the Arctic, understanding the importance of Arctic routes, the challenges and solutions for oil and gas

Speaking: Dr. Claudine Hauri, University of Alaska Fairbanks

Event Dates
Online: 11:00 am - 12:00 pm AKDT, 3:00-4:00 pm EDT

Ocean acidification and climate change are quickly altering the Gulf of Alaska marine ecosystem. Dr. Hauri will present her latest modeling results on how ocean acidification has changed the marine habitats of some of Alaska’s most important species. She will also demonstrate how her publicly

Event Dates
Online: 10:30-11:05 am AKDT, 2:30-3:05 pm EDT

Join us for a panel to illuminate polar research and achievements by those who identify as women. The panel will foster discussion on the systemic changes in polar sciences to advance diversity, equity, and inclusion, weave connections and collaborations between many roles in a social change

New Perspectives on the World's Most Challenging Arena for Maritime Commerce

Event Dates

COVID-19 Update:

Our annual Arctic Shipping Forum Helsinki and Arctic Shipping North America conferences have moved online. We look forward to bringing together the who's who of the Arctic shipping industry in this new virtual format to learn, connect and move forward together.

Event Dates

The European Commission (Directorate General for Research and Innovation) and the European Space Agency are working together to improve cooperation and to identify the grand science challenges in Polar research that may drive joint EC-ESA scientific activities in the coming years. The European Polar

Event Dates
Online: 10:00-11:00 am AKDT, 2:00-3:00 pm EDT

Join the National Science Foundation and IARPC for a program manager chat about a solicitation for proposals for Arctic Doctoral Dissertation Research Improvement Grants.

NSF invites investigators at U.S. organizations to submit

Event Dates
Online: 5:00-6:30 am AKDT, 9:00-10:30 pm EDT, 3:00-4:30 pm CEST

We are heading towards another winter and already started getting the view of northern lights in Svalbard. It makes perfect timing for our next webinar on studying polar atmosphere using Grand Challenge Initiative (GCI) cusp rocket missions in Svalbard on 23rd October 2020, Friday, during 15:00 - 16

Speaker: Dr. Kimberley R. Miner, NASA Jet Propulsion Lab and University of Maine

Event Dates
Online: 10:00-11:30 pm AKDT, 2:00-3:30 pm EDT

Learn how the cascading impacts of Arctic permafrost melt threaten humans, settlements, species, and our shared planet.

The northern hemisphere is covered by nine million square miles of permafrost, ground that continuously remains frozen for two or more years, located on land or under the

Event Dates

The BEST Secretariat is pleased to announce the launch of the new call for proposals for the EU and UK Overseas Countries and Territories.

This grant scheme is designed to provide effective support for actions on the ground carried out by local stakeholders. The maximum amount and duration of a

Speaking: Richard Alley, Penn State University

Event Dates
Online: 12:00 pm AKDT, 4:00 pm EDT

International Glaciological Society Global Seminar #25:

Speaking: Richard Alley, Penn State University: "Here Be Dragons... Exploring the Long Tail of Sea-Level Rise".

Please register in advance for the seminars. After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing