Abstracts and Preliminary Agenda Now Online
"Park Science in the Arctic"
2008 Alaska Park Science Symposium and
Beringia Days 2008 International Conference
14-16 October 2008
Fairbanks, Alaska
Extended Early Registration Deadline: Monday, 1 September 2008
For further information please go to:
The preliminary agenda, presentation and poster abstracts, and
registration for the 2008 Alaska Park Science Symposium and Beringia
Days 2008 are now available online. To view the agenda and abstracts,
and to register, please go to: http://nps.arcus.org.
The symposium, "Natural and Cultural Heritage of Greater Beringia," is a
three-day meeting with two concurrent sessions planned each day. The
main sessions include:
- Flora, Ethnography and Subsistence;
- Park Conservation;
- Physical Sciences;
- Wildlife;
- Tourism; and
- Fire.
The preliminary agenda is available at:
To view presentation and poster abstracts, please go to:
Early registration has been extended to Monday, 1 September 2008. Please
remember that all participants, including NPS members and presenters,
must register and pay the conference fee. Conference registration is
available at: http://nps.arcus.org/meetings/2008/registration.html
For further information, please go to:
Or contact:
Lois Dalle-Molle
Phone: 907-455-0635
Email: lois_dalle-molle@nps.gov
Robert A. Winfree
Phone: 907-644-3516
E-mail: robert_winfree@nps.gov